We are funding our children’s destruction.

We can stop it.

Why are our kids getting less and less healthy? Why is healthy food hard to come by? When did exercise become a bad thing? How did we get here?

Soda, food, and pharma companies have been able to put profits at the expense of the health of our kids by securing specific policies. 

Meanwhile, folks who care about our kid’s health - parents, teachers, coaches, doctors, and experts are being sidelined…for profit.

The Protect Our Kids Health movement is here to change this power dynamic by channeling grassroots support across the country into specific simple issues that put children’s health over corporate interests.

Our Mission

  • End the billions in government subsidies to food and beverage companies making us sick.

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  • Ensure access to affordable exercise and healthy food

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Why fight bad food?

Processed sugar, processed grains, and seed oils are destroying our health and the health of our children. We need to fight back.

Today, 10% of SNAP (food stamp) funding goes to sugary drinks. Soda is the number 1 item purchased on SNAP. This is public policy insanity. It is widely accepted that sugary drinks are weapons of mass destruction for children's metabolic health, responsible for nearly 200,000 deaths and trillions of dollars of downstream health costs. And we are funding this destruction through the nation’s largest nutrition program. 

Congress is on the verge of extending this handout to sugary drinks for another five years. 

Government funding of soda through SNAP is one example of the most important issue in the world: the preventable assault on children’s health. Today, nearly 50% of children are obese or overweight, 30% of young adults have prediabetes, and 20% of teens have fatty liver disease. This is due to a rigged food system that subsidizes addictive, unhealthy food and a healthcare system that makes money when kids are prescribed lifetime drugs and loses money when they learn good lifestyle habits. 

The problem is that special interests like Coca-Cola and pharmaceutical companies lobby on specific issues such as sugar subsidies and government funding for drugs like Ozempic. The goal of Protect Our Kids’ Health is to target attention to specific issues that change the incentives of health for children and organize parents, doctors, business leaders, and activists to advocate and win on clear, simple issues that affect children’s health.

Our demand is simple: sugary drinks should be eliminated from SNAP (food stamp) funding in the upcoming Farm Bill.

Sign up here to take action:

We’ll give you quick, simple actions you can take to force lawmakers to take action on this critical issue. We won’t spam you.

Why support exercise & good food?

90% of Americans, struggle to get enough exercise. But when we view exercise as medicine, it's a game-changer. Peer-reviewed research showing exercise is more effective than any drug at preventing everything from coronary heart disease to pre-diabetes to stroke.

The key for exercise is consistency and low-impact training. Getting your heart rate up to a moderate level for more than 150 minutes per week is generally all it takes to achieve equal (or better) disease-reversing impacts as drugs. 

But as we champion the power of consistent exercise, we cannot overlook the urgency of equitable access to nutritious food for everyone, regardless of their zip code or income.

Every child and family in America deserves the right to fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. And yet, many in our communities are ensnared in a landscape of food deserts, where affordable, healthful food is out of reach.

The widespread consumption of foods filled with processed grains, seed oils, and added sugars is nothing short of a direct assault on our children’s health.

These are not just unhealthy choices; they are traps set by a broken system that prioritizes profits over children’s health and market monopolies over community well-being. It's a system where soda companies wield influence over nutrition research, where dietary recommendations and nutritional guidelines are becoming twisted by financial ties to the very industries peddling products damaging our health.

The solution lies not just in what we eat, but how we provide access to it.

Protect Our Kids Health is fighting for a future where exercise is the norm, and nutritious, affordable food is a right, not a privilege. By amplifying the voices of parents, healthcare professionals, activists, and every concerned citizen, we can reshape policy to make a better food landscape for our kids. Together we'll carve a path towards a healthier, more equitable tomorrow.

Sign here to support exercise and good food: https://signup.protectourkidshealth.org/supporthealthyfood

Our demands to lawmakers are simple: Expanding access to healthy food by funding programs for grocery stores, farmers markets, and farmer-to-consumer programs.

After you sign up we’ll give you simple, actionable steps you can take to make this future a reality. We won’t spam you.

About Protect Our Kids Health.org

We are parents, doctors, business leaders, and political activists from all political backgrounds coming together in collective action around the belief in simple principles: 

  • Protecting kids health should be a top priority for lawmakers.

  • One of the most important issues in America is that we are getting sicker, fatter, more depressed, and more infertile at an increasing rate. 

  • This is happening largely because of our rigged food and healthcare system, which is failing to provide health food at affordable costs, making us sick, and profiting off of chronic illness. 

  • The negative impacts are disproportionately happening to a new generation of kids.

  • We can create change quickly if we channel our frustration to specific issues. 

After you sign up, we will keep you updated on simple, actionable steps you can take to move public policy to protect our kids’ health.

We will not spam you.